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Windows or Android in the Meeting Room
Choosing the Right Operating System for your Organization’s Group Video Systems
Choose the Right Operating System for Your Video Conferencing Systems
Cloud-based video platforms and a distributed workforce have made compatibility more important than ever for successful collaboration.
When choosing a meeting room solution, it’s critical to consider your operating system, such as Windows or Android, to ensure a smooth deployment and upkeep. Not doing so can result in an inefficient, complex, counterproductive experience, as there are nuances to how different platforms and operating systems work together.
This whitepaper provides key criteria to consider when aligning your meeting room solutions and operating system:
- Installation
- Support
- Access and management
- and more
Are You Ready for the Hybrid Workplace?
Do your employees have what they need to be effective in a hybrid workplace? Read the Frost & Sullivan report on tools that drive productivity.
As Video Meetings Increase, So Does Meeting Fatigue
After a year of remote work and nearly constant video meetings, many employees are feeling “Zoom fatigue.” But is the problem with video, or how we use it?
Design Personal Collaboration Solutions For Today's Hybrid Workforce
Empower your own digital transformation choices with this white paper on Personal Collaboration Solutions for Today’s Hybrid Workforce, from Frost & Sullivan.
Criteria for a Successful Video Conferencing Solution
Use these criteria to assess and find the ideal video conferencing solution for your organization in the era of hybrid work
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