Tailored Workspaces: Customizing Desks for Optimal Employee Experience

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Today’s employees need the right tools and equipment to work at their best wherever they are, so they are always prepared for individual and collaborative work. They need high-quality tools that enhance productivity and facilitate collaboration. 

But this is key: they don’t all need the same equipment. The CEO meets with customers and investors and always needs to present well. Salespeople are often “road warriors” who need to work productively in an airport, hotel, or client office. A typical knowledge worker may sit at a desk in the office, work remotely, or alternate between home and office. These different employees all need different equipment that is tailored to their job requirements.

By creating curated desktop solutions, you can ensure employees have what they need without overly complicating your job as an IT buyer or manager.

Read this ebook for guidance on designing personalized desktop setups for various employees within your organization, from core office staff to executives and even mobile and remote workers.



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Customizing Desks for Optimal Employee Experience



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